Meeting your needs
We can provide tailored training events and workshops to suit the needs of your team or organization, at your venue. We offer workshops at the Introductory, Intermediate or Advanced level over a day or across multiple days. Our bespoke service involves consulting with you to create workshops that are relevant and suitable for you. Please contact us to find out how we can meet your training needs.
Joe conveyed his deep understanding of the ACT model, and was able to communicate often complex ideas in a clear, comprehensible way.
Dr Graham Pickup, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Psychology Lead, Camden and Islington NHS Trust
Joe succeeded in communicating clearly and in an engaging manner using a well thought–out mixture of power-point presentations, DVDs, discussion and experiential exercises.
Maxine Sacks, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, East London Foundation NHS Trust
I received feedback from other staff attending, attesting to the quality of the training and specific comments about Joe’s skill at engaging the audience and communicating complex concepts effectively.
Dr Paul Tabraham, Area Lead Psychologist, South East Area AMH, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr. Oliver’s obvious knowledge, experience in and enthusiasm for ACT contributed to making it a very informative and enjoyable workshop.
Pauline Hemsley, SE Branch BABCP, Treasurer
His demonstration of ACT exercises was excellent, he set up and debriefed each exercise well bringing about maximum learning amongst the group. All feedback from the group was good.
Dr Rory Allott, Clinical Psychologist, Trafford Early Intervention in Psychosis Team
The feedback from delegates following the workshop was excellent and all praised Joe’s skills and knowledge. Many of those who had not used ACT in the past said that they would try using some of exercises learnt in the workshop in their future work with clients recovering from psychosis. All said that they would like to attend further training in the use of ACT.
Sue Hart , Chair – Southern regional branch of the BABCP and former Chair BABCP ACT SIG