
Issue: procrastination

Understanding clinical procrastination: insights from a social media poll 

Towards the end of last year, we reached out to our social media followers with an important question in the realm of mental health:  “When working with clinical procrastination, what would you say most commonly underlies this, in your experience?” The responses were interesting and provided valuable insights that we can explore through the lens […]

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Using the science of procrastination to understand behaviours

Procrastination – the act of delaying tasks despite knowing the potential negative consequences – is a common struggle that many of us face at some point in our lives. A recent study titled “Optimal and sub-optimal temporal decisions can explain procrastination in a real-world task” by Sahiti Chebolu and Peter Dayan at the Max Planck Institute […]

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Exploring the dual nature of perfectionism and how ACT therapy can support

Superpower or supervillain? Perfectionism, often seen as a hallmark of high achievers, has long been praised for its ability to drive individuals towards excellence. However, beneath its shiny exterior lies a complex psychological trait that can be both a blessing and a curse, so we decided to explore the dichotomy of perfectionism, exploring both its […]

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