
Issue: relationships

Inside Out 2 from an ACT psychologist perspective

Here’s Dr Joe Oliver’s take of Inside Out 2, from a clinical psychologist and ACT therapist perspective:  As a fan of the first movie and its powerful message about embracing difficult emotions, I was keen to check out how this sequel might tackle adolescence and the challenges of puberty. As a reminder, in the first […]

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Celebrating world kindness day: embracing loving kindness meditation

As we celebrate World Kindness Day (observed annually on November 13th) we are reminded of the power of kindness in our lives and our communities. In ACT terms, we are focusing on the value of kindness, and the role this can play in our own lives, as well as our family, friends and the wider […]

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The 5 love languages of neurodivergent people and how ACT can support well-being

For people with neurodivergence, ACT promotes the acceptance of one’s unique neurology and cognitive functioning, helping clients to recognise and embrace their neurological differences as valid aspects of their identity. A top tip when working with neurodivergent clients is to address the idea of their neurodivergent identity. We want our clients to develop a greater […]

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The impact of low emotional efficacy on wellbeing and performance

Emotional efficacy plays a crucial role in our overall wellbeing and performance. When individuals struggle with low levels of emotional efficacy, it can have significant negative consequences on various aspects of their lives. In this blog post, we will explore the relevance of emotional efficacy today, the detrimental effects low emotional efficacy can have and […]

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The four big myths about love and how ACT can help

We’ve all grown up surrounded by idealised depictions of love – from the fairytales we read as children to the classic romance novels and Hollywood blockbusters we consume as adults. These storybook romances often show us passionate soulmates with effortless ‘perfect’ partnerships that can weather any storm. And while these romantic fantasies are certainly captivating, […]

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