ACT for Depression and Anxiety with Russ Harris – Day 2
Recorded Workshop
Presenter: Dr Russ Harris
Please note: you will have access to this recording until Thursday 1st April
But you have the power to make a difference …
Do you want to help your clients find rapid relief from suffering? And go on to build richer, fuller lives?
If so, this 2-day advanced level workshop is for you. You’ll go deeper into the ACT model, take your skills to the next level, and learn specific methods for depression and anxiety disorders. You’ll learn about common stumbling blocks and sticking points, and how to quickly get around them. And you’ll discover a wealth of practical tools and strategies to effectively target depression (major depressive disorder and dysthymia) and the full range of anxiety disorders (from OCD & phobias to social anxiety & panic disorder). The workshop will include live demonstrations, videos of therapy sessions, and a wide range of experiential exercises.
What You Will Learn
Day 1: ACT for Anxiety Disorders
- Case formulation and treatment planning made simple
- 5 most common mistakes when treating anxiety
- How to provide rapid relief from anxiety, without trying to get rid of it
- How to disrupt the vicious cycle of experiential avoidance
- When is mindfulness contraindicated?
- The art of compassionate self-soothing
- 3 simple questions to stop your clients running from anxiety
- How to respond when clients say, “I hate this feeling! I just want it to go!”
- “50 Shades of Acceptance” – helping clients gradually transition from tolerance to acceptance
- How to get to and work with the very roots of anxiety
- How to dissolve worrying and catastrophising
- ‘Mindful ceasefires’: the antidote to ‘panic attacks’
- When mindfulness backfires – and how to rapidly get back on track
- When and how to incorporate relaxation techniques
- Exposure: from old school to cutting edge. What is exposure? Why is it essential? What does the latest research tell us about the best way to do it?
- Facing your fears with compassion: the art of flexible exposure
Day 2: ACT for Depression
- Case formulation and treatment planning made simple
- 5 most common mistakes when treating depression
- Shining a light in the dark: brief mindfulness interventions to rapidly relieve suffering
- How to motivate the unmotivated
- What to do when clients say “nothing will work”
- How to disarm the “I don’t know” monster
- How to get past “I have no values”
- How to set goals when “nothing matters”
- How to unhook from depressogenic thoughts – from ‘cognitive triads’ to ‘core schemas’
- How to disrupt regret and rumination
- How to find meaning when “life is meaningless”
- Shame-busting: moving from self-contempt to self-compassion
- Working with the ‘inner child’
- Homework horrors: how to get clients active between sessions
- Mindful, values-based problem solving
- Out of the swamp: how to get clients moving in valued directions
- Suicidality: what reinforces it and how to compassionately undermine it
- Dispersing the fog: how to appreciate life when your mind says “It’s pointless”
- Articles, protocols, and research data on the clinical use of ACT with depression and anxiety
- Detailed handouts covering a wide array of useful ACT interventions tests
- Scripts for a wide range of experiential exercises.
- A variety of useful client worksheets
- Three comprehensive eBooks
- MP3 recordings of key mindfulness exercises
About the Presenter
Dr Russ Harris: Medical Practitioner – Psychotherapist – Executive Coach
Russ Harris, author of the international best-selling self-help book ‘The Happiness Trap’, is a world-renowned trainer of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT). Russ’s background is in medicine. As a GP he became increasingly interested in the psychological aspects of health and wellbeing, and increasingly disenchanted with writing prescriptions. Ultimately this interest led to a total career change. He now works in two different, yet complementary roles – as a therapist and as a coach.
Since 2005, Russ has run over 600 two-day workshops and provided ACT training for over 35,000 health professionals, including therapists, coaches, counsellors, doctors, and psychologists. He has authored three ACT textbooks (ACT Made Simple, Getting Unstuck in ACT, ACT Questions & Answers), and six ACT-based self-help books, including The Reality Slap, The Confidence Gap, and ACT with Love. His first book, The Happiness Trap, is now the best-selling ACT book in the world – with over one million copies sold, and translations into more than 30 languages. (To download the opening chapter, click here.)
Russ has a unique model for training, which he calls ‘ACT Made Simple’, because it covers so much material in a short space of time. (In fact, he even has even written an introductory text book on ACT, titled ‘ACT Made Simple’. To download the first chapter, click here.) Russ proudly proclaims each workshop a ‘jargon-free zone’ – and bases his training on three core values: simplicity, clarity, and having fun. His highly-acclaimed ACT workshops are brief, powerful, cost-effective and life-enhancing. Participants regularly report not only major improvements in their therapy and/or coaching, but also in their personal lives – and evaluation forms frequently praise his ability to make complex ideas seem very simple. (For examples, go to testimonials).
If you have disability and require adjustments or accommodation, please email us at to discuss your needs and we will do our best to help you.
ACT for Depression and Anxiety with Russ Harris – Day 2
Registration closed