
ACT for Young People: DNA-V Intermediate with Louise Hayes – Sessions 1 2 3 and 4

Recorded Workshop
Presenter: Dr Louise Hayes


The DNA-V model uses cutting edge research from positive psychology to bring a truly developmental focus to your work with young people. It’s all about mindfulness and growth. Join Dr Louise Hayes, leading world expert in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training (ACT) for young people, a clinical psychologist and author for this skills training intensive workshop.

This workshop will focus on learning process based therapy skills using DNA-V with young people to enhance your therapy abilities. Louise continues to work with young people in clinical settings (and some adults too!) and she will bring her clinical knowledge and daily practice into this training.

“In this this workshop I am delighted to take DNA-v, the developmental model of ACT, and help you practice and sharpen your process based skills in therapy. Please join me for applied clinical skills, support and some fun.”

The basics of the DNA-v model won’t be covered. Instead, you will be working on advanced processes and function with DNA-v using practical examples. The aim is to build more  therapeutic skill.

Our learning will focus on:

  • Case conceptualisation and treatment planning – Learn case conceptualisation, formulation and planning with clients using video, real and role plays. This will form the foundation of real practice in the workshop.
  • Practice, practice and practice – We will focus on how to fluidly move through DNA-v processes in order to help young people develop flexibility. Between weeks one and two you will have the opportunity to get individual feedback on your work.
  • Function in Context – The central piece in DNA-v is working with the function of behaviour in contexts (is there: avoidance, escape, coherence to rules, reinforcement etc.). This skills workshop will focus on how you can keep this in your work, how to test your hypotheses, and how to influence behaviour.
  • Self and social – We will dig into these viewpoints so that you become more skilled at helping young people with their sense of self and others.
  • Self-care and compassion – Throughout the workshop we will build in self-care and compassion exercises for us as helpers, and you will be able to use these with young people too.


  • Attendees should have a working knowledge of DNA-v and some practice using this with young people. We will not be going over the model.
  • Additional pre-reading will be provided 2 weeks prior.

Who is this for:

This workshop is suitable for professionals who work with young people in therapeutic and counselling settings. BCBAs welcome!!

About the Presenter

Dr Louise Hayes, Clinical Psychologist, MAPS, B.A., B.App.Sci (Hons), PhD (Clinical)

Louise is a world expert in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training (ACT) for young people and the co-author of the best selling book, Get Out of Your Mind and Into your Life for Teenagers: A Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life, and the new book for teachers, therapists and counsellors on ACT for young people, The Thriving Adolescent. 

Louise uses ACT with young people in schools and clinical settings. She is a clinical psychologist, peer reviewed ACT trainer, an academic, author and speaker.

Key aspects of Louise’s work:

  • ACT peer reviewed trainer conducting professional development for teachers, psychologists, counsellors, and professionals who work with young people.
  • Author of the best selling book Get Out of Your Mind and Into your Life for Teenagers: A Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life. 
  • Author of the new book The Thriving Adolescent: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Positive Psychology to Help Teens Manage Emotions, Achieve Goals, and Build Connection
  • A senior fellow with Orygen Centre for Excellence in Youth Mental Health at The University of Melbourne.
  • A fellow with the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS).
  • A clinical psychologist in private practice at The Elms Family Medical Centre in Bacchus Marsh Victoria.
  • An active philanthropist working to help disadvantaged people in Nepal.

If you have disability and require adjustments or accommodation, please email us at to discuss your needs and we will do our best to help you.

ACT for Young People: DNA-V Intermediate with Louise Hayes – Sessions 1 2 3 and 4

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