Flexible Exposure -using psychological flexibility to vitalise Exposure Therapy with Eric Morris
Recorded Webinar
Presenter: Dr. Eric Morris
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Exposure is one of the most established, effective evidenced-based behavioural tools available to modern psychological therapists. It is also one of the most under-utilised and misused.
Avoidance (cognitive, emotional and behavioural) is at the heart of just about all psychological problems, including depression, anxiety, psychosis, substance misuse, stress, chronic pain, anger issues, and trauma. It’s hard not to think of any problem that is not maintained by problematic avoidance. Training the alternative; openness and acceptance through exposure, can be difficult work for both clients and therapists.
But latest research gives us important insights about how we can maximise the impact of exposure and engage clients in ways that are truly meaningful and make real and lasting changes in their lives.
In this webinar Dr Eric Morris will take you, step by step, through the contemporary developments in exposure therapy and the current process of change theories. He will outline how exposure conducted from the psychological flexibility perspective – such as in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – has advantages in terms of improving client motivation, emotional awareness and flexibility in learning. All of this will help you to maximise the impact of your own exposure and acceptance interventions.
Eric is a master trainer and clinician with a deep body of clinical experience and research knowledge to draw on. This is a unique opportunity to learn from his experience to enhance your own practice.
In this webinar you will learn:
- The latest cutting edge exposure theory (expectancy violation, values enhancement, variable exposure hierarchies) and how it practically apply it
- How to provide an easy to understand, practical rationale to exposure therapy that clients will engage with
- How to bring together exposure tasks with client values to maximise motivation
- How collaborate with clients to increase their willingness to do exposures and use psychological flexibility skills
- How to harness curiosity to build exposure skills
- The use of emotional labelling and present moment skills
- How to best choose between different forms (e.g. imaginal, in vivo)
- How to do values based response prevention
About Your Presenter
Dr Eric Morris is a clinical psychologist and Director of the La Trobe University Psychology Clinic in Melbourne, Australia. Eric has over 20 years of experience as a clinician, supervisor and trainer in cognitive behavioural therapies. He researches Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as an individual and group intervention for people with psychosis, carers, and mental health workers. He is a co-editor of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness for Psychosis, co-author of the self-help guide, ACTivate Your Life, and co-author of the treatment manual, ACT for Psychosis Recovery. He is the current President of the ANZ Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science and an ACBS Fellow.
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Flexible Exposure -using psychological flexibility to vitalise Exposure Therapy with Eric Morris
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