
The heart of acceptance and commitment therapy

Learn from one of the ACT world’s most renowned therapists

Access is for 6 months after purchase
Two 3 hour sessions (6 CE credits)
6 CE credits
Psychologists, Therapists, Coaches, BCBAs, Physicians, CBT therapists

entral to ACT therapy is the concept of acknowledging the truth that life contains suffering. This is only the first step on the path to transcending it. It is in this transcendence that vital and more meaningful lives are created.

As ACT therapists our aim is to assist our clients with this process of acknowledging and holding pain, while continuing to take steps, each day, each moment, that are connected to personal meaning.

Head, hands and heart

It’s often said that ACT is done “with headhands, and heart”. To use the “head”, verbal knowledge, and an intellectual understanding of intervention is needed. The work of the “hands” is all about behaviour: physical movement and actions are fundamental. For many practitioners, ACT’s “heart” can, frustratingly, be more elusive.

Done with intention and presence, ACT links us to the very qualities of what it means to be alive and whole. To be a conscious and experiencing being. ACT may be learned and understood at many levels, but may remain challenging to implement in a flexible, consistent, process-based, and effective fashion. Multiple levels of process are present in any therapy, including those processes beyond ACT’s 6 core.

Getting to this “heart” of ACT requires moving beyond simple techniques and into more fluid intervention. The practitioner needs to attend to intra-personal, interpersonal, and overarching and ongoing processes in the context of the psychotherapeutic relationship. An expert in this heart of ACT engages in an on-going functional analysis, which feeds these processes and meaningfully informs the case conceptualisation.

Workshop content

In this workshop Robyn, herself a master therapist and trainer in ACT, will assist you in making this move to the next level in your therapy. You’ll learn:

  • The art and science of on-going functional analysis
  • How to connect the multiple levels of process found in ACT
  • How to enter into a more in-depth, experiential, and heartfelt therapy place.

Robyn uses a combination of mini-lectures, live role-play and powerful experiential exercises to convey the material.

Don’t miss this unique, life-changing opportunity to see her in action.

Please note that this is an intermediate level skills workshop, so you’ll need to be familiar with the ACT model before attending.

For those seeking introductory ACT courses, explore available options here

Feedback from Robyn’s last workshop

“It was beautifully authentic, reflective and captivating” Steve Wharmby

“Empowering and inspiring” NN

“The parts I found most useful were the role plays with Robyn and seeing her in action, seeing the power of slowing things down, the intrapersonal and tuning in to the thin slices. Excellent training” C.Lawrence


Group booking discounts

Contextual Consulting offer discounts for groups of people from the same organisation e.g. an NHS Trust that does not have a contract arrangement with us.

Please email us here  to arrange a group discount or find out more about our CPD contracts here.

The heart of acceptance and commitment therapy

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