On-demand training
ACTing it out with chairwork – intermediate level4>
Chairwork methods for ACT practitioners
If you have an interest in chairwork, already possess knowledge or experience with it in ...
Working compassionately with our multiple selves4>
A compassion focused therapy (CFT) skills workshop
Have you ever encountered clients who express contradictory thoughts and feelings in therapy? Statements like: “I ...
ACT for physical health problems4>
Intermediate level deep dive into skills development
Many practitioners report that acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is enormously helpful for physical health ...
Frame by frame4>
A user-friendly guide to understanding relational frame theory
No matter your practice area, population, or title, if you work with humans who are ...
ACTivate your coaching for beginners4>
A practical introduction to using ACT in your coaching sessions
Are you a coach looking for an evidence-based approach to support your clients to interact more skilfully with their thoughts and feelings? ...
Working with chronic pain4>
Using acceptance, mindfulness and values
Chronic pain poses significant challenges for individuals and can have a profound impact on their ...
Working with neurodivergent adults4>
Developing self-compassion and self-acceptance
Large numbers of diagnosed and undiagnosed Autistic and ADHDer adolescents and adults are now presenting ...
Functional analysis for ACT practitioners4>
Key skills in case conceptualisation
Functional analysis is considered the core foundation of a gold standard evidenced-based psychological intervention. A ...
Treating perfectionism4>
Practical approaches to unwinding unhelpful habits, fear of failure and relentless self-criticism
Are you struggling to treat your clients’ perfectionism? Join our in-depth intermediate-level workshop, “Treating Perfectionism,” and ...
ACT in the workplace4>
Enhance employee well-being using proven acceptance and commitment techniques
If you need to increase employee wellbeing in the workplace, then this course is for ...