On-demand training
ACT for insomnia & sleep difficulties4>
Strategies to address cognitive & behavioural factors inhibiting sleep
A key difficulty that gets in the way of our sleep is the pressure to go to sleep. How do we help people protect their sleep and well-being yet who continue to have sleep difficulties? ...
ACTivating your supervision4>
Become a more effective ACT supervisor
Are you an ACT clinician looking to build your knowledge and skills in ACT Supervision? Have ...
An introduction to the ACT model4>
Discover the basics in a FREE hour-long workshop
Overview Acceptance and commitment therapy, (ACT) is an exciting and powerful approach for understanding and working ...
Understanding cognitive defusion from an RFT perspective4>
Conceptualising of defusion in terms of its relationship to basic behavioural concepts: for Persian speakers/ برای فارسی زبانان
This workshop is for Persian speakers The subprocess of cognitive defusion is a valuable factor for ...
ACTing it out: using chairwork to enliven your sessions4>
Exploring the applications of chairwork in ACT
This experiential, exploratory, and practice-focused workshop will introduce the four ‘pillars’ of chairwork and how they can be used in ACT. ...
ACT skills for working with chronic pain4>
Practical experiential exercises to build resilience and valued living
Are you a psychologist looking to enhance your skills in working with clients experiencing chronic ...
ACT in focus: navigating processes, procedures, and future directions4>
FREE workshop recording
Calling all ACT practitioners, therapists, and researchers! Prepare for an enlightening lecture featuring renowned ACT ...
Creative hopelessness in ACT4>
A practical guide to getting unstuck and working with ambivalence for change
As an ACT therapist, understanding when and how to utilise creative hopelessness is essential for ...
Super-charge your CFT4>
Building compassion into every aspect of your therapy
Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) is a revolutionary approach to therapy that has gained widespread recognition in ...
CFT in practice4>
Compassion-focused therapy skills for beginners
In a world full of stressed, self-critical, anxious and depressed people, compassion-focussed therapy (CFT) has ...