On-demand training
ACT with young people on the autism spectrum4>
Learn key practical strategies and adaptations to make your work fun, flexible and impactful
ACT is especially useful for supporting autistic young people. Join leading expert Jodie Wassner in ...
The ACT matrix for beginners4>
A practical and easy to understand introduction to the matrix
Are you a therapist or coach with an interest in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)? ...
Level up in ACT4>
Fidelity training: become an elite ACT practitioner
Please note: this is very much an intermediate level workshop and is unsuitable for beginners. This ...
Facing the Storm with Dr Ray Owen4>
FREE workshop recording
Bad things can happen to any of us. And sometimes, no matter how much we ...
Relational Frame Theory (RFT) made simple4>
A practical and easy to understand introduction to relational frame theory
Relational frame theory is arguably one of the most exciting and interesting psychological theories to emerge in the last 20 years ...
Acceptance and commitment therapy for depression4>
Going deeper into the processes to lift the inertia and move forward with purpose
Learn how to sit inside the ACT processes, embodying them and inviting your client to do the same to work through feelings of hopeless, avoidance and rumination. ...
Developing psychologically flexible children and adolescents4>
Using ACT and RFT to promote a healthy sense of self
In this workshop, Darin Cairns will show you how self narratives are formed and how to work with them to build flexibility, meaning and purpose. ...
ACT for beginners workshop4>
An introduction to Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
If you want to find out more about ACT how you can begin to bring the tools and techniques of into your own practice, then this workshop is for you! ...
Having difficult conversations: How psychological flexibility can help4>
Skills and strategies to successfully have difficult conversations
Learn about the Psychological Flexibility model and how it helps focussed on what matters to us in having these difficult conversations, stay ‘in the moment’ and so handle these tricky situations successfully ...
Life after covid4>
Using acceptance and values to find a way forward for our patients, our colleagues and ourselves
In this workshop, Ray will take you through skills and concepts related to accept and values; and how these can be used to build a rebuild life after the health impact COVID ...