The “hands as thoughts” metaphor is a powerful tool for understanding rumination and worry. It helps us build awareness around our thoughts and how we relate to them, and it allows us to respond to our thoughts with greater flexibility and agility. By creating distance from our thoughts, we gain a more objective perspective and can take action towards our values and goals. This helps us connect with the world around us, our emotions, and physical experiences, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life.
Download 'hands as thoughts and feelings' exercise from Dr Russ Harris
To see Russ talk through this exercise visit our blog post “Hands as thoughts: how a simple metaphor can help you overcome worry, rumination and obsessions”
DR RUSS HARRIS is a world-renowned trainer of acceptance & commitment therapy (ACT) and author of the international best-selling self-help book ‘The Happiness Trap’. Russ is regularly featured in the Contextual Consulting training schedule so visit his speaker profile to see more from him.