
Loving kindness meditation

This meditation, known as ‘loving kindness’ or metta bhavana, is an ancient Buddhist practice that focuses on developing an attitude of love and kindness towards oneself and others. It involves sending positive thoughts and well-wishes to yourself and those around you with the idea that by showing kindness within ourselves, we are more likely to express it towards others, creating a cycle of positivity. The meditation helps to create connection and understanding, both with ourselves and others.


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How to use the loving kindness meditation

This is an experiential exercise to bring focus to the present moment in a non-judgemental manner, while also bringing the value of kindness into a moment. You can do this alone or invite friends and family to join you and it can easily be done anywhere at any time. If you give this page to the client then while they are reading the instructions their attention is probably going to be focused very closely on the words on the page. We recommend that when you/they have finished reading these instructions that they are put down if printed or the screen is closed if online. You can then talk them through the five points, using our prompts and suggestions as a guide, but elaborating more specifically where there is relevance to the client.

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