
My bus – A passengers on the bus metaphor poem

This poem, kindly shared by Angela Clover, talks through the passengers on the bus metaphor:

My bus, by Angela Clover

I am the driver of my bus
I like it peaceful, without fuss.
But the passengers that are in my seats,
are loud and bossy and full of deceit.
They’re obsessive and anxious and full of fear,
always telling me how to steer.
But there’s one passenger, sits right at the back,
quietly watching the others attack.
This passengers happy, strong and kind,
They know who they are and have peace of mind.
I cannot throw the noisy ones off,
they will just get on at the very next stop!
I begin to realise, in their own way,
they want to protect me with what they say
But I can drive my lovely bus,
I really don’t need all this fuss.
I’ll take on board what they shout,
but I won’t stay on this roundabout.
I’ll drive calmly, at my own pace,
this bus of mine, it’s not a race.
Then the quiet passenger from the back,
comes smiling up to me.
I can help you stay on track,
if you listen and believe.
Know that you are worthy,
you are precious, kind and caring.
I know the noise you hear, can be so very wearing.
But just be you,
be happy, good and true.
And I know that you will find,
you’ll have your peace of mind.

You can handle any fuss,
You are the driver of your bus


Thanks to Angela Clover for writing and sharing this poem with us. Following feedback we have also created it as an A4 document for printing and sharing.

Download 'My bus' poem

More about the passengers on the bus metaphor

This metaphor is used to show that we are not defined by one single identity, but instead by the interaction and coexistence of various internal forces. The passengers represent different parts of ourselves and sometimes they will all have very different viewpoints on which way we should go. For example, some parts want to protect us and keep us safe while other parts want to be seen and heard. The point of this story is that the bus driver can listen to each part, understand their perspectives and work out shared aims and goals, co-operating to get the bus moving forward.

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