This episode of On coaching with Zoltán Csigás is titled “On Values and Authenticity – A Conversation With Dr. Joe Oliver”. Contextual Consulting founder Dr Joe Oliver and Zoltán discuss the significance of values and the importance of being authentic.
Listen here:
Or visit the page on Zoltán’s website where there is also a transcript: On Values and Authenticity – A Conversation With Dr. Joe Oliver
DR JOE OLIVER is a clinical psychologist and Director for Contextual Consulting, offering ACT-focused training, supervision and therapy. He is also a program director and associate professor at University College London.
ZOLTÁN CSIGÁS is a Coach, psychologist, organisational development expert, podcaster who also labels himself as an ‘official curious person’.
About the On Coaching podcast
In this series Zoltán talks with internationally renowned coaching-scientists and coaches., exploring both their personal and professional insights into the science of coaching.