In this audio, Dr Joe Oliver discusses with Ross McIntosh the passengers on the bus metaphor and how it can be applied when discussing ACT for the workplace
ACT in the workplace and the passengers on the bus
The passengers on the bus metaphor suggests that individuals are not solely defined by a single unified identity, but rather by the interaction and coexistence of various internal forces. In the workplace context this can be extremely relevant as each employee brings their own unique perspective, needs, and motivations, and these can sometimes clash with one another.
Some employees may be assertive and vocal, while others may be more introverted and reserved. There may be individuals who constantly seek attention or control, while others prefer to observe and listen. By understanding the “passengers” or different aspects of ourselves within the workplace, we can gain insight into our thoughts, emotions, and their impact on our behaviour, but also how they may effect the people around us. Recognising and acknowledging these different aspects allows trainers to strive for balance and help employees make conscious choices.