This free manual, True Strength: A Compassion-Focused Therapy Approach for Working with Anger has been designed by Russell Kolts, who has very generously made it available as a free download. It was created to help individuals manage their anger through Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT). The therapy is based on the CFT model developed by Paul Gilbert and incorporates teachings from Buddhist teachers and contemporary works. The manual explores how our brains evolved and how this can create problems for us, and provides exercises to increase mindfulness, self-awareness, and compassion. The therapy encourages individuals to provide feedback to improve the approach and contribute to making the world a more peaceful place. The manual is designed for individuals who are interested in learning new ways to work with difficult emotions like anger and becoming kinder to themselves and others.
Download True Strength
RUSSELL KOLTS is a Professor of Psychology at Eastern Washington University and Director of the Inland Northwest Compassionate Mind Center in Spokane, Washington, USA. He has authored or co-authored scientific articles on various areas of psychology and has written several books about Compassion-Focused Therapy and compassion.
Russell’s intermediate level CFT workshop – Super-charge your CFT – Building compassion into every aspect of your therapy is available as part of our on demand training.