Values are like a compass that guide your actions. They move you towards your deepest desires for how you truly want to act in life. They are not feelings or guarantees for results. They are choices about the actions you want to make.
The attached list brings together about 50 of the most common values for people (adapted from Russ Harris, 2010).
Download values exerciseHow to use this values exercise
Print out the list and ask the client to place a mark next to each value, either a V for ‘very important to me’, Q for ‘quite important to me’ or N for ‘not so important to me’. As best as they can, they should go with their gut and try not to overthink it.
Once each value is marked as V, Q, N (Very, Quite, or Not so important), go through all the Vs, and select out the top 5 that are most important to the client. Mark each one with a X, to show it’s in their top 5.
Ask them, when any of your top 5 are acting as your compass, what kinds of actions do you take?