
Russ Harris – Practical, Playful Webinars To ‘Lift Your ACT’: Self-Compassion: Building Blocks and Barriers

FREE WEBINAR : Self-compassion – Building Blocks and Barriers

Presenter: Russ Harris

This free webinar, which involve lots of experiential exercises, to actively develop your skills, includes:
– an in-depth look at how self-compassion infuses the whole ACT model, and involves all the core processes
– how to talk about self-compassion without using ‘flowery’, ‘poetic’, ‘new-age’ or ‘hippy’ language, and make it appealing to everyone from adolescents to armed forces
– short, simple self-compassion exercises you and your clients can use any time, any place
– longer, more meditative self-compassion exercises for more intensive interventions
– 15 common barriers to self-compassion, and how to overcome them
– how to break self-compassion down into tiny ‘building blocks’, for clients who find it difficult or threatening


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