Russell Kolts public persona is that of a perpetually chill, zen, super-compassionate guy, all of the time. But that’s an oversimplification, as we found out when he tackled our fun, quick-fire questions designed to reveal the man behind the mask…
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a dare?
I haven’t been dared to do much crazy stuff…in college as an undergraduate a friend and I climbed a fence to get into the Oklahoma State University football field and ran down the field buck-naked. Not sure who dared who, but I’m pretty much it began with a dare. I’ll deny that if it’s ever mentioned to me. 🙂
If you had to choose 3 dinner guests from anywhere in history, who would you want at your table?
My paternal grandparents and my maternal grandmother (my maternal grandfather passed away before I was born). While there are many historical figures I’d love to hang out with, I’d do anything to get to spend time with my grandparents again.
But assuming my relatives are off the table, my answer to this would probably be different on any given day, but today I’d probably select people who meet two criteria: heroes of mine who seem like they’d make good company. With this in mind, I’d probably go with the current Dalai Lama, Greta Thunberg, and Stevie Nicks. All are people I greatly admire who I’d love to hang out with. If forced to go historical, I’d probably have to do some research, but would likely end up with artist-types like Shakespeare, Elizabeth Cotton, and Michelangelo.
If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring three things, what would they be and why?
Ha! I’m boring. I’d bring a nice pump for purifying water, a knife for food harvesting and prep, and probably stupidly a carbon fibre guitar which would last forever, provide tons of entertainment, and could double as a weapon, paddle, or reaching device if needed.
What would your perfect Sunday be like?
Wake up around 7:00, go for a trail run followed by a brief swim in the ocean (preferably where there are sea turtles to observe!). Nice breakfast with my family followed by visiting a natural area like a forest or beach. Spend a few hours reading and relaxing, maybe doing something low-key like throwing frisbee or playing guitar or mandolin. Then a pleasant dinner with family and friends featuring live music, preferably country blues.
Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses? How would you approach the battle? And how would you relate this question to compassion and CFT?
All things being equal, probably 100 duck-sized horses, because they might be easier to win over with treats – I love animals and would never want to hurt them – and it would probably be easier to climb to safety if that failed. I guess it relates to CFT/compassion because it’s about figuring out what would be helpful in addressing the situation, and finding solutions that don’t create harm. I don’t want to fight horses or ducks – I love horses and ducks! And how friggin’ cute would a duck-sized horse be?
Thanks, Russell, for taking time to answer our quiz and we agree, a miniature horse would be very cute indeed!
Joe and the Contextual Consulting team
Please note that Contextual Consulting are fortunate to have Russ speaking at two workshops around Compassion-Focussed Therapy (CFT) and ACT this year. If you’re new to CFT, you may want to join our CFT in practice at the end of June. For intermediate and advanced level practitioners, we can recommend Super-charge your CFT in September.