
Meet our speaker: Russ Harris

Many of you will know Russ Harris because he’s giant in the world of ACT. You’ve probably heard of him, read his books or attended his workshops. He also has a well-developed sense of fun, so we thought he’d be up for some quick-fire interview questions.

We’re happy to introduce you to the real Russ here:


If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Flight – to get amazing new perspectives (and cheap holidays)


What was the last thing you binge-watched on Netflix?

Mindhunter – amazing (and disturbing) psychological thriller, strongly based on historical fact – about how the FBI first developed psychological profiling for serial killers


If you could time travel to any era, where and when would you go?  And why?

The crucifixion of Jesus – would love to know what actually happened.


If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? And why?

Sushi, cause it’s delicious, healthy, and comes in so many varieties


What’s the biggest misconception people have about you?

Because they usually see me on stage or on camera, running workshops or giving talks, most folks assume I’m very extrovert. In fact, I’m off the scale introvert!


If you had to choose 3 dinner guests from anywhere in history, who would you want at your table?

Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha; I’d love to see how they get on with each other – and also what they think of ACT


Thanks, Russ for being a good sport!

Joe and the Contextual Consulting team


Please note that Contextual Consulting are fortunate to have Russ speaking at several workshops this year.  For intermediate and advanced level practitioners, we can recommend  ACT for self harming and suicidality workshop at the end of September, ACT for adult ADHD in October,  ACT for worrying, ruminating & obsessing workshop at the end of November or  Trauma-focused ACT in June.

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ACT for depression and anxiety disorders

Russ Harris

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