
Topic: Approaches and modalities

Articles that explore approaches and modalities around acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and also complementary/alternative therapies and models that can work in collaboration with ACT.

ACT and its impact on sleeplessness, especially in the winter months

What is sleeplessness? Sleeplessness is the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake earlier than desired. Everyone will occasionally experience this, but it is when it becomes a repeating pattern that it can cause problems. When sleeplessness becomes habitual it turns into insomnia, which “is a clinical disorder that affects 10% of the general […]

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Meet our speaker: Tobyn Bell

Chairwork has been used for over 100 years, with many therapists regarding it as one of their most powerful and exciting ways of working. Matthew Pugh and Tobyn Bell, founded their company Chairwork, specifically with the aim of promoting the application, research, and dissemination of chairwork in psychotherapy, supervision, and coaching. We sat down with […]

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Processes, procedures and outcomes in therapy

When it comes to delivering therapy, precision is key. We strive to be as precise as possible in our interventions to have a greater impact and help individuals in distress as quickly as possible. However, changing human behaviour is far from a straightforward process, unlike say getting a new fuel pump from your local car […]

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Meet our speaker: Ray Owen

Ray Owen has been a familiar face as a presenter with us for many years on the challenging topics of physical health, supporting clients with life-limiting conditions and clients coping with grief. He recently spoke at our charity fundraising workshop ‘Facing the Storm’, which raised thousands of pounds for the ACBS Developing Nations Training Fund.  […]

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Meet our speaker: Russell Kolts

Russell Kolts public persona is that of a perpetually chill, zen, super-compassionate guy, all of the time. But that’s an oversimplification, as we found out when he tackled our fun, quick-fire questions designed to reveal the man behind the mask…   What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a dare? I haven’t been dared […]

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American Psychological Association recognition for Contextual Consulting training

We have great news for members and associate members of the American Psychological Association (APA): Contextual Consulting is now approved by the APA to sponsor continuing education (CE) for psychologists. This means that any live or on-demand training you undertake with us will be recognised with a full APA CE certificate. How do I get my CE certificate? […]

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Meet our speaker: Russell Kolts

Russell Kolts public persona is that of a perpetually chill, zen, super-compassionate guy, all of the time. But that’s an oversimplification, as we found out when he tackled our fun, quick-fire questions designed to reveal the man behind the mask…   What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a dare? I haven’t been dared […]

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Meet our speaker: Russ Harris

Many of you will know Russ Harris because he’s giant in the world of ACT. You’ve probably heard of him, read his books or attended his workshops. He also has a well-developed sense of fun, so we thought he’d be up for some quick-fire interview questions. We’re happy to introduce you to the real Russ […]

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Why levelling up in ACT requires deliberate practice

My graduate school training at Lesley University was rooted in the philosophy of “self-as-instrument” with regards to the process of therapeutic change; that is to deeply know and effectively make use of oneself in evoking behavioural changes through the therapeutic relationship. Many years later, I continue to embrace and find this orientation helpful, albeit it […]

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Does practice really make perfect for therapists?

Does practice really make perfect for therapists? The impact of therapist experience on client outcomes  Summary The study investigated the relationship between therapist experience and therapy outcome. Longitudinal data from a large German university psychotherapy outpatient clinic was used to assess the effect of therapist experience on client outcomes. Results suggest no association between therapist […]

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Co-operation, language and the compassionate perspective

While co-operation, as a set of behaviours, is not unique to humans, the degree to which we co-operate is. The vehicle for this is human language, which developed out of the need of our ancestors to convey increasingly complex and abstract notions to others in their group. Higher level abstract communication allowed for the development […]

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Psychological therapist burnout, ACT and psychological flexibility

For a psychological therapist, burnout is a very real possibility. A recent study of CBT practitioners in the UK found that between 50-70% of therapists reported burnout symptoms (Westwood, Morison, Alt & Holmes, 2017). That’s a very high amount! Burnout is a phenomenon whereby we are no longer about to meet the demands of the […]

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